The Democrat party is not on your side.
It has never been on your side. I was just as angry when Donald Trump was voted into office back in 2016 but I’ve learned a lot since then. I used to be a swing voter and always skeptical of the perception that the Democrat party was the lesser of two evils compared to the Republicans.
Ever since I was in college, I always believed that voting was one of the most important things you could do. I don’t believe that anymore. In fact, I’m not voting this year. Especially after finding out that Joe Biden chose Kamala Harris as his running mate. I was never a fan of Biden — I didn’t like the Obama/Biden administration and really disliked him through the entire Democratic Primary. Kamala Harris is probably the worst possible choice for a Vice President. People always talk about how scary things will be if Trump wins re-election, which is true, but I never hear about the terrifying ramifications of having someone like Kamala Harris in high office. I even have an entire episode of my podcast where journalist Lisa Snowden-McCray (Baltimore Beat, Baltimore Sun, Real News Network) and I talk about why Kamala Harris is a corrupt politician and an enemy to working class communities.
Since Kamala Harris entered the presidential race last year, one phrase keeps coming up over and over again: Kamala Harris is a cop.
“To label someone a cop in this way is never to invoke the best behavior one might expect from police officers. It implies the person is a bully, a bootlicker, a professional tattler—the sort of person who shuts down un-authorized lemonade stands run by kids. A cop, in this context, is someone who will always defer to authority and the status quo, someone who is unaccountable and not to be trusted. Calling someone a cop invokes the worst sorts of police overreach, a legalistic authoritarianism that exists for its own sake.” (Kamala Harris is a Cop Who Wants to be President, Reason)
“During her 28-year tenure as a county prosecutor, district attorney (D.A.), and state attorney general (A.G.), Harris proved quite willing to live up to the epithet. In the public eye, she spoke of racial justice and liberal values, bolstering her cred as one of the Democratic Party's rising stars. But behind closed doors, she repeatedly fought for more aggressive prosecution not just of violent criminals, but of people who committed misdemeanors and "quality of life" crimes.
Every attorney general fights for state power and police prerogatives. It's part of the job. But over and over again, Harris went beyond the call of duty, fighting for harsher sentences, larger bail requirements, longer prison terms, more prosecution of petty crimes, greater criminal justice involvement in low-income and minority communities, less due process for people in the system, less transparency, and less accountability for bad cops.” (Kamala Harris is a Cop Who Wants to be President, Reason)
Because of these policies, Kamala Harris directly supports and aids the prison industrial complex, which is another topic I am going to be writing about in the future. Prisons in the US are concentration camps for the poor. They are the new slavery.
ACAB means All Cops Are Bastards and that means Kamala Harris too.
If you support Black Lives Matter, you cannot also support Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. You can call it tone deaf or you can call it a slap in the face that during the largest civil rights movement in US history, Joe Biden, the author of the 1994 Crime Bill, chose a woman by the nickname Top Cop as his running mate in an election that is less than three months away. Biden and Harris and the Democrat party stand against everything that the Black Lives Matter Movement is fighting for.
The 1994 Crime Bill that Biden authored was one of the most catastrophic pieces of racist legislation in the last century. It is a bill that intentionally led to record-breaking mass incarceration, positioning himself to the right of even Reagan and Bush. (A Guide to the 2020 Democratic Candidates You Should Not Vote For, Weston David Pagano)
Under a Biden presidency, I predict that the suppression and demonization of protesters will be even worse.
Expect to see more surveillance and policing. Expect to see less freedom of speech and more press repression. And because it is coming from the Democrat party, with their obsession with identity politics and meaningless symbolic gestures like renaming city streets “Black Lives Matter Avenue”, few will resist. Leftists who protest a Biden/Harris administration will be portrayed not as progressives but as radical right-wing extremists or MAGA supporters. It will be AWFUL. The Democrat party is actively trying to crush the left more than Trump and Bill Barr ever were. This is not debatable.
I have very little faith in liberals.
So many of them only became political because they hated Trump but they fail to realize that Trump is not some singular aberration. He is not abnormal. The only difference between him, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan and any other neoliberal president is that he says the quiet part out loud — Trump’s blunt rhetoric and complete disregard for political correctness and legal consequences is a central part of his presidency. Everyone else practiced false modesty while talking in platitudes (though their actions clearly show they had the same disregard for human decency as Trump).
If Biden is elected president, he will not be resisted. Liberals will go back to pretending everything is ok. Just like they ignored all of Obama’s horrible policies and actions. The reason is because Obama’s charisma and sociopathy were unparalleled. As long as they played up his Messianic public speaking skills and his identity as a Black man, they were able to accelerate the decline in this country by robbing the working class and the middle class blind, all while drone-bombing civilians in six different countries. Most liberals would be very surprised to find out that Obama has caused more damage, misery and death overseas than George W. Bush. He deserves as much hate as Donald Trump.
While we’re at it, former Obama national security advisor Susan Rice is likely to be Biden’s pick for Secretary of State. Another horrible pick! Just like George W. Bush’s administration, a Biden administration will fill his cabinet with different ethnicities and women, all in the name of diversity. But none of these people will be progressive. They will have the same corrupt tendencies and policies as all the cabinets that came before them. What is the point of diversity if it’s just corruption and imperialism but carried out by women and people of color?
There is absolutely no difference between the Democrats and the Republicans anymore.
Voting will not change anything except for the media narrative. Biden is nothing more than Trump with better manners. There is no “harm reduction” in replacing Trump with Biden. There is no pulling Biden left once he’s in office. There is no “vote him into office and hold him accountable once he’s there.” Liberals did not hold Obama accountable one bit the entire 8 years he was in office. While Trump might be obsessed with appearing strong and popular, Biden and the Democrat party are neoliberal, neofeudalist imperialists during an era of desperate late capitalism. They are much more dangerous. In fact, if Biden wins, the progressive wing of the Democrat party could be finished.
“An internecine war is ready to break out among those Democrats who want to reform American society from within and leftists who want to dismantle the enterprise and start over.” (The war within the Democratic Party to come after Trump: Progressives vs. establishment, Arizona Republic)
At this point, it’s time for Americans to accept that there is no difference whatsoever between the Republican and Democrat parties. The Democrat party brands itself as the opposition party that is for the people. It is not. It is just as fascist, imperialist and neofeudalist as the Republican Party, perhaps more so.
This country does not need neoliberalism, the cause of so many of the world’s problems.
I mention neoliberalism a lot. If you want to learn more about it, this is a great article explaining how it is the root of all our problems — financial meltdown, environmental disaster, the lack of jobs, and massive wealth inequality.
There is absolutely no difference between the Democrats and the Republicans anymore. Voting will not change anything except for the media narrative. Biden is nothing more than Trump with better manners.
Stop demonizing socialism and communism.
Celebrate them. Teach your children about them. There are lots of great books and resources out there. Communism for Kids is a great start. The works of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin have been made into graphic novels. Mao Tse-Tung coined the phrase Serve the People. The US has a long history of being staunchly anti-communist because communism actually works. Look at Vietnam and Cuba. The US has demonized every communist leader and murdered millions of communists here and abroad since the mid-twentieth century. It has labeled them all terrorists but the real terrorist is the US. It’s the biggest war criminal in modern history.
(Side note: the post office is socialist. Public schools are socialist. Public libraries are socialist. Medicare is socialist. Social Security is socialist. If you’re against socialism, you’re against those programs too.)
Reject electoralism. Embrace revolutions. Join an activist organization.
When Democrats say they want a return to civility and normalcy, what they’re really saying is “shut up.” Shut up about healthcare, shut up about climate change, shut up about race, shut up about wealth inequality, Just shut up. That’s what they’re voting for with Joe Biden. Make America Behave Again and Shut Up.
I voted for Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton before my political understanding had evolved. I was younger and naive and believed in platitudes and bought into the optics of having a Black president and a woman president. I cared more about identity politics back then than actual policy, which I will admit I did little to investigate. Our leaders and elite ruling class are completely bipartisan when it comes to screwing over the people of the country.
Not voting is always an option. Don’t let anyone shame you into voting for something you don’t believe in.
Refusing to vote for the people who continue to fund genocide in the global south, deny millions of people healthcare/aid, starving and economically terrorizing the people of anti-capitalist, anti-western imperialist nations by imposing sanctions, dropping bombs on civilians on a daily basis, etc. is absolutely an option.
Our war is against white supremacy, fascism and capitalism. Joe Biden and Donald Trump, as well as the Democrat and Republican parties, are symptoms of these forces, not the source of them. We need to fight until they are all gone.
Fuck party loyalty. We want people loyalty. Long live Marx and Marxism. Long live Lenin. Long live Mao. Long live socialism. Long live communism.
*I referenced neofeudalism earlier. Here is an article explaining what it is.
I usually do a write up of the events I’ve organized or hosted and my most-read articles at the end of the year. This was an unusual year (obviously, there is no need to go into it here) so I didn’t bother. Instead I want to highlight a project of mine that I am particularly proud of — it’s my new podcast show, Unverified Accounts, that I cohost with my frequent collaborators, Chris Jesu Lee and Filip Guo. If you're a big movie/TV/book buff, have leftist sympathies, but can't stand 'wokeness' dumbing down our culture, then we're the podcast for you. So far in our 25 episodes, we’ve covered a range of contentious topics.