First things first, you GUYS -- Amazon and I finally made it official and now I have my own Amazon store. I update it everyday with all my favorite things so check it out: click on the image below to be taken straight to the shop. Bookmark it. Buy stuff. Lots and lots of stuff. Love you.
Now that I got that shameless plug out of the way, let's talk about what I've been up to, since I took a 3 week break from blogging.
- I have been more and more active on Twitter and less active on Facebook.
- I binged the show, AMO, on Netflix three times in a row last week. AMO is a big deal because it's the first Filipino TV series on the streaming service. It's also brilliant. Expect me to talk more about it in the near future (hint, hint for all you Escape From Plan A podcast fans).
- I've also been doing more work with the Katipunan of Maryland, the organization that my family helped start and I am now the Public Relations Officer for. We started a Filipino Cultural School for kids in order to help the younger generation of Filipino Americans preserve their ethnic identity through history, language, dance, and martial arts and it's been keeping me super busy.
- If you do follow me on Twitter, you know that I am very much an advocate of public libraries and I use the hashtag #SupportPublicLibraries a lot. Our local branch has a 3D printer, has a great kids section complete with toys, couches and Legos, rents amazing stuff like Go Pros and Nintendo Switch, has a gorgeous outdoor courtyard for the warmer months, free WiFi, and has a great community for pretty much any niche or subculture that you're into. If you haven't used the library in a few years, you'll probably be really surprised to find out how high tech and convenient everything is. I use the local public library app to request books, DVDs and video games I'm interested in, and then they collect the materials from all the branches in our county so that I can just pick them up at the front desk at our local branch. It's like Amazon Prime but for borrowing stuff. Doesn't get any cooler or easier than that.
- I really want to update my photography portfolio so this summer, I'll be shooting again A LOT. If you're a model, hairstylist or makeup artist in the Baltimore area, hit me up.
- If you're wondering why I haven't blogged in a few weeks, don't worry. I didn't go anywhere. I just had to take a little blogging break to get inspired again. I was pumping out so much content every week for each of my social media channels and can I just say I WAS TIRED.
I missed all of you and it feels good to be back.
I use all Goody Hair products to style my hair - ponytail holders, clips, barrettes, bobby pins. This hairstyle was so easy, I literally styled it while standing in the wind and using my car window as a mirror. I pinned the sides back from my face with two bobby pins and then I braided just the length of my hair down the side before using a dark ponytail holder to secure it. Then I tied my new pineapple hair scarf into a bow on top of my head, leaving out a few pieces in the front.
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- Fashion to Live: Out in the City: Strappy Bodysuit + Maxi Dress + Sexy Heels
- Gabriella Lundgren: Out and About with Strawbags and Baroque Pearls
- Girl in Betsey: The Eyelash and Eyebrow Serums That Actually Work
- Have Clothes, Will Travel: Visiting Buenos Aires in a Hurry – 1/2 Day Itinerary
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- Knowing My Style: Spring/Summer Color Trends for 2018
- Purushu Arie: 5 Types of Plagiarism in Fashion Explained Through Diet Sabya & Desi Dior
- Online Personal Stylist: How to Style Narrated Videos
- Sifa's Corner: 9 Expert Tips for Perfect Wedding Day Hair
- Style Mouse: Where to Stay on Maui
- Tales of Two Blog: Grand Canyon Walk - Blue Mountains
- The Borrowed Babes: Why You Need a Tribe of Badass Babes
- The Simply Luxurious Life: 9 Things to Do to Prepare for Traveling to France in the Next Three Months
I usually do a write up of the events I’ve organized or hosted and my most-read articles at the end of the year. This was an unusual year (obviously, there is no need to go into it here) so I didn’t bother. Instead I want to highlight a project of mine that I am particularly proud of — it’s my new podcast show, Unverified Accounts, that I cohost with my frequent collaborators, Chris Jesu Lee and Filip Guo. If you're a big movie/TV/book buff, have leftist sympathies, but can't stand 'wokeness' dumbing down our culture, then we're the podcast for you. So far in our 25 episodes, we’ve covered a range of contentious topics.